"Well, yea, it did," he responded. "It's easier to stay inconspicuous without that bulge, especially when it's presence causes such a negative reaction from so many of the ladies here."

"And the girdles weren't so bothersome then, either. Right?"

"Yea. I thought I just got used to them." Andrea leaned toward him intently. "Have you ever been intimate with a girl, Chrissy? even seen a naked female?"

Have you

Again Chris blushed as he answered the second and a young girl who lost her bathing suit bottom at a pool once."

question. "Only a baby, ..

"But sexual intimacy

Dr. Brown pressed him. has been limited to your mind?"

"....yea...," he admitted almost inaudibly. "Chrissy?" Andrea asked. "You signed many papers that night. Did you read any of them?"

"Yes, some. But it was so hard to understand all that legal mumbo-jumbo that I gave up after a few sentences." He paused and glanced at both doctors. "But you know that already."


Andrea place a legal sized sheet of paper on her desk facing him. "This is a copy of one of the documents you signed wherein you commit yourself completely into my medical care." placed another paper before him. "This copy of a seperate document designates Ms. Miller as your legal guardian." Another paper.

"And this one,

from Ms. Miller, authorizes the Clinic to give you whatever therepeautic treatment we determine to be necessary for your continued good health, both physical and mental. Would you care to read them?" She held out the three sheets.

Chris considered reaching for them but his hand wouldn't leave his lap. He suddenly felt very sleepy. "What are you doing to me?" he cried.

Andrea's voice seemed muffled by distance. "Julia and I felt you had some serious problems, Chrissy, since you are somewhat small for a man and were painfully introverted. Society, and your fellow men in particular, tends to be brutal, especially to anyone considered to be different from the perceived 'normal' person. That is partly why women get raped and small men and women are beaten and brutalized. When we considered your personality and financial difficulties, we decided you would be much better off as a woman!

Already, you are well on your way to being female for all practical purposes."

Chris's voice was high and shrill. Yes, feminine! "No! You can't! I won't let you!" he

whined tearfully.

"How can

Andrea shook her head triumphantly. you stop us now? You can't even stand up. We're going to take very special care of you, my dear sweet Chrissy. When you wake up you will be a woman, at least as much a woman as is presently scientifically possible! Then you'll be able to share the locker room with your friends. That excess appendage between your legs will be She picked up the phone and spoke into it. A moment later the nurse arrived, during which time Andrea had crossed to the cabinet and prepared a hypodermic. "Joan, will you please ask the orderlies to bring in the gurney while I give Chrissy this shot?"


His hands refused to budge from their resting place in his lap. He muttered a weak protest with a very faint yet terrified "No" as the needle punctured his arm. The world was going grey a few seconds later as the orderlies entered. He felt them take his arms and lift, but he was out before they placed him on the gurney.

The world was dark and empty for a very long time.